Amanda Gollihue, LMT

Massage Therapist

Amanda Gollihue joined Teays Physical Therapy Center in 2004 after graduating from West Virginia Mountain State School of Massage. She is a WV licensed massage therapist as well as a Nationally Certified Therapist through the National Certification Board of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork. She is a member of the Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals (ABMP) and takes advantage of an array of continuing education courses. She sees private clients scheduled by appointment and enjoys working in a therapeutic setting.

Amanda has obtained a professional certification in Mother Massage, Migraine Relief, Lymph drainage, Arthrokinetics for the Thoracic and Lumbar spine and Aromatherapy. She has additional training in Reflexology, Neuromuscular Therapy, Sports Massage and Hot Stone. She combines these techniques to customize a session based on the individual needs of the client.

In her free time, she loves spending time with her family, especially outdoors, painting, and being active in her children’s school and the community.