Patrick Nee

From day one I felt that Rebecca and the entire staff at TPTC were focused on my recovery from the surgery.

I began having issues with my left thumb twelve years ago. Over the past year it became more painful and began to affect my ability to use my left hand. 

Dr. Phillip Lackey at the VA Medical Center found that I had an arthritic carpometacarpal (CMC) joint and recommended the CMC mini tightrope surgery. TPTC works with the VA Medical Center in Huntington as part of the Community Care Network and was the only therapy center accepting new patients with hand injuries.  

From day one I felt that Rebecca and the entire staff at TPTC were focused on my recovery from the surgery. Rebecca explained how she and the other therapists would work together to help me reach my goal of having a working hand with minimal to no pain. Throughout the process I had many questions. Rebecca was very patient and detailed in her explanations. This helped me understand the stages of healing and helped keep my expectations realistic. 

I really appreciated when metrics were taken to gauge my progress. It gave me a real boost when I found out how much better my hand was progressing. I received calls about my upcoming appointments and updates on VA approvals from the office staff.  

After my surgery I couldn’t tie my shoes, button a shirt or buckle pants. Now, I can pick up small nuts and bolts, unscrew bottles, type and push the buttons on remotes. Although I’m still not at 100%, I have a usable hand that is relatively pain free.

I would highly recommend TPTC to my family and friends for any therapy they may require after an injury or surgery. The staff at TPTC is dedicated to helping people reach their goals for recovery and getting you back to having a normal life.

Denise Price